A figure of Seijuro Akashi, a member of the "Generation of Miracles" from the third season of the highly popular TV anime Kuroko's Basketball finally makes an appearance.
He is a genius game-maker that once led the "Generation of Miracles." The figure emphasizes the true Akashi with his regal-looking stance. The eighth in the series, this finally completes the "Generation of Miracles."
A figure of Seijuro Akashi, a member of the "Generation of Miracles" from the third season of the highly popular TV anime Kuroko's Basketball finally makes an appearance.
He is a genius game-maker that once led the "Generation of Miracles." The figure emphasizes the true Akashi with his regal-looking stance. The eighth in the series, this finally completes the "Generation of Miracles."
Additional Information
- Full colored figure x1
- © Tadatoshi Fujimaki/SHUEISHA,Team Kuroko Licensed by Top-Insight
Additional Information
- Full colored figure x1
- © Tadatoshi Fujimaki/SHUEISHA,Team Kuroko Licensed by Top-Insight
Release Date
2015 July