G.M.G. (Gundam Military Generation): Mobile Suit Gundam - Earth Federation Forces 08V-SP: Standard Infantry & Earth Federation Forces Buggy
G.M.G.(ガンダムミリタリージェネレーション) 機動戦士ガンダム 地球連邦軍 08V-SP 一般兵士&地球連邦軍専用バギー
G.M.G. (Gundam Military Generation): Mobile Suit Gundam - Earth Federation Forces 08V-SP: Standard Infantry & Earth Federation Forces Buggy
G.M.G.(ガンダムミリタリージェネレーション) 機動戦士ガンダム 地球連邦軍 08V-SP 一般兵士&地球連邦軍専用バギー
The sixth addition to the Gundam Military Generation series is here, this time featuring three new products - Amuro Ray & Fraw Bow, a standard infantry with a Buggy as well as the Buggy by itself.
The female standard infantry is sculpted wearing the long-awaited White Base crew uniform. She comes with a rifle, binoculars, and a backpack, allowing her to be posed fighting through various battles.
Her head is articulated and can be removed, allowing the heads to be swapped with Earth Federation Forces 06: Sayla Mass from the fifth G.M.G. line-up. The Earth Federation Forces Buggy is a large 16cm model that allows the figures to ride inside.
It can also be transformed into the iconic hover mode from the series. This set of the soldier and the buggy allows fans to quickly add a load of playability to their collection! Don't miss out.
*Please note that the buggy's tires do not turn.
The sixth addition to the Gundam Military Generation series is here, this time featuring three new products - Amuro Ray & Fraw Bow, a standard infantry with a Buggy as well as the Buggy by itself.
The female standard infantry is sculpted wearing the long-awaited White Base crew uniform. She comes with a rifle, binoculars, and a backpack, allowing her to be posed fighting through various battles.
Her head is articulated and can be removed, allowing the heads to be swapped with Earth Federation Forces 06: Sayla Mass from the fifth G.M.G. line-up. The Earth Federation Forces Buggy is a large 16cm model that allows the figures to ride inside.
It can also be transformed into the iconic hover mode from the series. This set of the soldier and the buggy allows fans to quickly add a load of playability to their collection! Don't miss out.
*Please note that the buggy's tires do not turn.
Additional Information
- Pre-Painted Figure & Buggy.
- (C)創通・サンライズ
Additional Information
- Pre-Painted Figure & Buggy.
- (C)創通・サンライズ
Release Date
2023 May