As for the new installment of the Gundam Series Cosmo Flee Special (CF-SP), from "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" comes Argama, the space assault carrier from the Anti-Earth Union Group (AUEG). ship has a total length of 190mm, the four turrets pivot and both sides of the ship can be armed with mega particle cannons. In addition, by replacing parts it is possible to create the non-combative state of the ship, and the residential modular arms can be fixed at your angle of choice.
Of course, three highly popular minimechs are included. Decorate the catapult deck and you are able to enjoy the view of the world during the Gryps Conflict. Aboard the ship under Captain Bright Noa, you have the protagonist Kamille Bidan, Char - the Red Comet, and Quattro Bajeena, so please enjoy the ship that became the symbol of AEUG in CF-SP.
As for the new installment of the Gundam Series Cosmo Flee Special (CF-SP), from "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" comes Argama, the space assault carrier from the Anti-Earth Union Group (AUEG). ship has a total length of 190mm, the four turrets pivot and both sides of the ship can be armed with mega particle cannons. In addition, by replacing parts it is possible to create the non-combative state of the ship, and the residential modular arms can be fixed at your angle of choice.
Of course, three highly popular minimechs are included. Decorate the catapult deck and you are able to enjoy the view of the world during the Gryps Conflict. Aboard the ship under Captain Bright Noa, you have the protagonist Kamille Bidan, Char - the Red Comet, and Quattro Bajeena, so please enjoy the ship that became the symbol of AEUG in CF-SP.
Additional Information
- PVC Painted Complete Model
Additional Information
- PVC Painted Complete Model
Release Date
2016 April