The 5th installment of MegaHouse's "Variable Action Heroes" series is Luffy's stepbrother and Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo.
He has been recreated in the most realistic manner possible as a 18cm action figure made in the appearance he had when appearing again in Dressrosa. With his removable hat and goggles, he also comes with a variety of facial expressions to allow you to enjoy a number of situations. And, taking up the will of Ace with the Mera Mera no Mi, he also comes with parts with flame effects.
Created to be realistic and fully colored, this is an item that is fun for both display and play.
The 5th installment of MegaHouse's "Variable Action Heroes" series is Luffy's stepbrother and Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo.
He has been recreated in the most realistic manner possible as a 18cm action figure made in the appearance he had when appearing again in Dressrosa. With his removable hat and goggles, he also comes with a variety of facial expressions to allow you to enjoy a number of situations. And, taking up the will of Ace with the Mera Mera no Mi, he also comes with parts with flame effects.
Created to be realistic and fully colored, this is an item that is fun for both display and play.
Additional Information
- Full colored action figure
Additional Information
- Full colored action figure
Release Date
2015 November