The "Blue Exorcist" anime series has begun a new season and it is the Okumura Brother's birthday, and to celebrate we are re-releasing a special repainted edition of the G.E.M Series: Yukio Okumura that was first released back in January 2013.
The figure has been based on his image from the Kyoto Saga of the anime, giving him a sharper paint job with a more keen gaze than before.
The details and texture on his jacket and belt have also been brushed-up to look more realistic. Also note the stronger reds that have been changed based on Kazue Katou's color illustration, creating a rather different item compared to the previous released version.
The "Blue Exorcist" anime series has begun a new season and it is the Okumura Brother's birthday, and to celebrate we are re-releasing a special repainted edition of the G.E.M Series: Yukio Okumura that was first released back in January 2013.
The figure has been based on his image from the Kyoto Saga of the anime, giving him a sharper paint job with a more keen gaze than before.
The details and texture on his jacket and belt have also been brushed-up to look more realistic. Also note the stronger reds that have been changed based on Kazue Katou's color illustration, creating a rather different item compared to the previous released version.
Additional Information
- Painted Figure. Approx. 230mm in height.
- ©加藤和恵 / 集英社・「青の祓魔師」製作委員会・MBS
Additional Information
- Painted Figure. Approx. 230mm in height.
- ©加藤和恵 / 集英社・「青の祓魔師」製作委員会・MBS
Release Date
2017 June